Wow these weeks are flying by, actually quite scary. Anyway lets get on with. I have several things to show you today. i have a Assessment tomorrow on post Production, in my last post i showed you the slate and the door in a bit more detail. Well here is the granite render and the elements that lead up to the final image.
picture above is the back plate ^
This was a file texture i used ^
A cloud to break up the blueness of the sky a little bit^
Above is the final comp, the shadow in the comp rotates and the cloud goes arcoss the sky slowly. Gives the image some unique quality.
Later on tonight i will be posted shot break downs and final movies.
So now i have a treat for you, been work on a small project for my portfolio, Durham Catherdal. Now before i started this project i want to show a few images to get your head around this architechual stunning building.
As you can its quite complicated, different aspects like the window on the left is very hard to get reference images for. It made it quite hard to model when the reference was sparse, but this is what i've acomplished after 2-4 hours work.

i managed to require a ground plan of the catherdal ^
the under pillars were fairly difficult, and as i plan to put it on a cliff you won't see to close to it so the polygon count is very low.

figuring out height and to see if i was on the right track ^
The two front towers are very complex and i wanted to succeed modelling this straight away ^
After around 15 hours this is where i'm at.
So almost there i'm happy with it at the moment.
Another 2 -3 hours and i'll have the left end finished and all the windows in. Going to try and do that tonight.
92 thousand polygons so far! not bad, but i know once i put the detail in the window it will increase by a lot.
let me know what you think and if you have any questions, dont hestitate to ask.
Last of all two weeks tomorrow i have a Pre Production hand in. For this assignment we have to create storyboard, pre viz, script, shot list for a story that may be picked to be produced by me and a friend from my course (james Morrissey). You name anything to do with Pre Vis i have to do it. so im going to be super busy over the next two weeks. Here is a script and shot list i have for an idea about a wheel nut on a formula 1 car.
Script for Pre
'Nutty's Adventure'
1o'clock on a Sunday
Afternoon. Formula one race at Silver-stone, the warm up lap has been done and
now the drivers are waiting for the countdown. Lights go red, Long shot
perspective of the cars on the starting grid. Second lights go Red, front shot
of the cars. Third lights go Red, shot of cars roaring engines. Green light
flashes on... A quick long shot of the cars racing off the line. Long shot of
the cars reaching the first corner. Mid shot of the front car miss judging the
corner. Long shot of a car ramming into the first car. Third car goes right
onto the gravel. Four car crashes into the first car flipping. Fifth and Sixth
car crashes into the pile and so do the next four.
Shot of the previous
footage rewinding.
Camera shot of the first
red light cuts to a wheel nut on a car. Camera shot again of the second light,
Cuts to a closer shot of the wheel nut, cuts to the third red light and then to
the wheel nut perspective, cuts to all the lights and the green light flashes
on and the cars fly off the starting grid. Cuts to a slow motion shot of the
wheel nut slowly going around the wheel with smoke rising off the tires. He
Cuts to the first car
(red bull) crashing again and then cuts to the second car (McLaren) bumping
into the 1st car. Cuts to a first person perspective of the nut as
he has been hurled
towards the cars that are starting to crash. Camera mid shot
of the nut bouncing off a nearby tire from the car that started to flip (Slow
motion). His face screwed up as he flies through the air.
Long pan shot of the
crash happening in slow motion and zoom into the nut starting to fall. He
suddenly gets thrown up in the air by combustion underneath one of the cars. He
flies past a washer and they both scream hi to each other as they go past.
Suddenly scoops through a rear of a formula one car and bounces onto the tarmac
to be thrown into the sky once again by the wing of the Ferrari and bounces off
the drivers helmet and flings into some flying bits of wing and hurled towards
the grass.
The Nut lands on the
grass and behind him a large amount of debris and car splatter all along the
road. Smoke and flames rise of them.
Caption: (something
like) they should of checked the wheel nut.
Nutty’s Adventure! Shot list
Act 1
[Shot 1] Title
[Shot 2] Establishing shot of race track 12/13 cars lined up
on the grid
[Shot 3] Cuts to a close up of the lights and the first red
light. It switches on.
[Shot 4] shot of all the cars on the grid
[Shot 5] Cuts to second red light flashing on
[Shot 6] cuts to the front view of the cars, ready to race,
ready to go!
[Shot 7] Quickly cuts to third red light flashing on
[Shot 8] mid shot pan of the front caar to the 3rd
and 4th car, (roaring of engines)
[Shot 9] Cuts to the green lights flashing on.
[Shot 10] a roar of the engines and the cars fly of the line
towards the first corner 400 yards away
[Shot 11] a perspective shot of the cars reaching the first
[Shot 12] a camera long shot from a nearby tire shows the
first car to lose control
[Shot 13] fly over shot of all the cars crashing into each
[Shot 14] repeat of shot 13 just from a different angle
Act 2
[Shot 15] rewinding to back to the red light. It flashes on,
small note saying 3 minutes earlier
[Shot 16] cuts to a wheel Nut (main character) he looks to
the camera [worried face]
[Shot 17] cuts to second red light flashing on
[Shot 18] then cuts to a wide angled shot of the first car
where the nut is located
[Shot 19] cuts to a the 3rd and last red light to
flash on
[Shot 20] cuts back to the nut and he’s shaking with nerves
[Shot 21] cuts back to lights and the green flashes on
[Shot 22] there is a roar of engines noise and the long shot
shows the cars flying off the line.
[Shot 23] close up of the nut spinning around the wheel in
slow motion (screaming)
[Shot 24] smoke coming off the tire
[Shot 25] Long shot of them coming up to the first corner
[Shot 26] mid shot of the 1st car with the nut on
it. The car starting to spin out of control
[Shot 27] shot of the second car hitting the first cars
[Shot 28] mid shot of Nut flying towards all of the cars
that are starting to lose control
[Shot 29] first person perspective (slow motion) flying
towards the crashing cars.
[Shot 30] The Nut bounces into a wheel from the third car
that starts to flip.
[Shot 31] As he starts to fall he flies through a brake duct
that has come off one of the cars
[Shot 32] Long shot of showing the crash at that point.
Zooms into the nut and showing him flying through the crash
[Shot 33] he almost hits the floor and combustion of flames
from under a car near nut explodes and sends Nut further into the air.
[Shot 34] Passes a Washer, they shout to each other and try
and reach from each other
[Shot 35] Mid shot of him avoiding suspension bars
[Shot 36] Cuts to mid shot of the front cars coming to a
[Shot 37] Nut flies finally through the rear wings of a car
and scoops onto the nearby ground/grass or pavement.
[Shot 38] Long Shot, of Nut on the floor and in the background.
The pile of cars has come to a halt.
[Shot 39] Credits.
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