Sunday, 2 September 2012

rendering settings


Here is the latest Previs.


Well the deadline is on thrusday and theres quite a lot of work to do. In this update I will be discussing the Rendering settings used on the Production Screwed. each screen shot is part of the process changing the render settings so that we could finished the project in time. At this time in the project we currently have 10 shots to finish rendering and compositing. we most likely won't have everything rendered on time but we are doing our best.

File Format

Open Exr (Nuke)
Zip to compress the image size.

The start frame and end frame which is in orange is a layer override so when a car comes into shot it renders from that frame and ends wherever the car is not in shot or the end of the shot.

HD720 was picked because its hd resoultion at a smaller size so render times weren't through the roof.

 custom sampling = low for less render times. anti aliasing kept to default.

Raytracing and final gathering kept to low settings because the cars and environments were taking to render. so thats the general settings for rendering of screwed and images like this one was being produced.


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